Mystery Acne (from Guest Blogger Samantha Pope-Cubillos)

My name is Samantha and I am the daughter of Source Vital’s founder, Jerry Pope. I have had great skin my whole life with the exception of a few minor break-outs here and there. I attribute my healthy skin to growing up in the skin care industry. With Source Vitál at my fingertips and a spa guru mother I had no excuses!
My story has changed a bit in the past couple of months. I started to develop acne on my cheekbones. I couldn’t figure out what was causing it. I went through my skin care checklist:
- Is it makeup?
- Is it my diet?
- Is it my shampoo?
- Is it stress?
I take great care of my body, inside and out. I couldn’t figure it out! I tried out every trick and tip that I could think of. I was getting to the point to where I was really starting to feel bad about my skin.
It finally dawned on me. I moved to Colorado from Texas about a year ago. Texas is known for its humidity where as Colorado is known for being dry.
I had been exfoliating my skin but I wasn’t doing it enough or with the right product. I started using Fango Facial Scrub and within days it cleared up. Fango Facial Scrub is a powerful, yet soothing, composition of seawater, marine sediments, and essential oils that micro-exfoliates for clear-looking skin.
This gritty exfoliant is easy to use and is made for congested, acneic and oily skin types. I use it every evening before I go to bed. I’m finally happy with my skin again!
About Guest Blogger, Samantha Pope-Cubillos
Samantha is an avid health enthusiast, owner of Sovi Fit, and daughter of former Source Vitál owner Jerry Pope.
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