Fend Off Winter Sickness Naturally

It’s no fun feeling under the weather, but the cold, wet winter just makes you feel worse.
The best way to treat sickness is to prevent it. Unfortunately, life happens, and sometimes, this is no easy feat.
Here are a few holistic suggestions on how to avoid contracting the cold or flu.
- Wash up! Be sure to wash your hands often with antibacterial soap. Invest in antibacterial soaps at home, work, and anywhere else you regularly visit like a gym or yoga studio.
- Disinfect your surroundings. Keep things clean as much as possible. Wiping door handles and keyboards down will decrease the spread of germs.
- Drink plenty of water. It not only hydrates your body, but if you do get sick, drinking water will also keep your fever down and prevent nausea and vomiting.
- Eat a balanced diet. Give your body the fuel it needs to ward off germs. Read our Healthy Eating 101 blog for some tips.
- Get plenty of sleep. Sleep helps you fight off infections and will keep you energized.
- Avoid ill people. If your friends are sick, steer clear. You can see them next week.
- Keep single symptom drugs on hand. Sometimes you need some over-the-counter help. Use them as needed, but remember if symptoms continue for more than several days it's a good idea to see your doctor.
- Go natural. Natural Elixirs made with pure essential oils are great for promoting good health and improving the discomfort of symptoms when you are sick. Try diffusing essential oils into with a humidifier or electric diffuser.
- Hands off! Refrain from touching your eyes, nose and lips to prevent contracting illness.
- Reduce stress. Being stressed affects your immune system. Meet your deadlines and stay on top of your to-do list!
Do you have any tips for preventing sickness in the winter? We’d love to hear them! Tag us at source_vital on Instagram.
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