This summer, say goodbye to cellulite!

As you start planning your summer, put your health and wellness on the top of your priority list. Being healthy and exercising will not only benefit the way you feel, but also how you look in your shorts and swimsuit by aiding with improving the appearance of cellulite.

Let’s be honest, nobody likes cellulite. It’s stubborn and sometimes seems like it’ll never go away. Luckily, with the proper techniques and the right combination of diet and exercise, self-treatment is possible!

Cellulite is formed by the build up of cellular waste because of a reduction in the skin’s metabolism. It’s most commonly found in the upper thigh and buttocks, but can also appear in the arms and abdomen.

When you’re breaking out your favorite summer outfits, cellulite is the last thing you’ll want to worry about, so here are a few of our tips on how to prevent and treat cellulite naturally!

  • Diet: Eat clean and local when possible. Simply put, shop on the exterior of your grocery store or at a local farmers’ market.
  • Hydration: Proper hydration prevents water retention, which exacerbates cellulite. Find out how much water you should be drinking with a hydration calculator.
  • Exercise: Hit the gym or your favorite yoga studio or simply take a walk outside to improve circulation, remove excess fluid, and strengthen your muscles, which will smooth out the appearance of cellulite.
  • Dry brushing: Dry brushing is a simple technique (using a dry brush) that stimulates blood and lymph flow, exfoliates the skin, and encourages new cell growth. We suggest starting at your feet and sweeping up the legs in long, light brisk movements toward the heart.
  • Massage: Rub the areas of your body with cellulite in a circular motion while pulling and pushing the lumps. The best results are achieved when you do this for 15 minutes a day, five days a week.
  • Skin care: The proper combination of skincare products can increase circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite. We recommend giving our Body Sculpting Gel a try!
  • Consistency: Be consistent with your diet and exercise routine. A yo-yo style diet and random exercise schedule can aggravate your system and compromise skin elasticity, which could possibly make your cellulite more pronounced.

If you have questions about cellulite treatment, let us know by emailing or skin experts at We’d love to help!

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